Herein is the continuing Gretchen Egolf Chronicles. (Meta-Version 4.0) Previous chronicles (May 28, 2001 to February 11, 2002, February 11, 2002 to July 10, 2002, July 16, 2002 to February 11, 2007 AD - February 11 seems to be a recurring date for no good reason - huh.) are occasionally updated with addendums (use your browser's "find" feature to look for the word "Update" and you'll find them quick enough), but no new entries. The Lack-of-Sleep Litanies have been left to their own devices on other pages.
Recent updates are also kept on their own page, called "Recent Updates". Original, huh?
February 11, 2007 AD (The Egolf Chronicles, V37.3)
Obvious 'haven't updated since last year' jokes aside, it has been a while. (Holidays, house selling, moving.) But that gave ample time for the "The Secret Letters of Jackie and Marilyn" reviews to roll in. (Is it wrong that, these days, whenever I think of Jackie Kennedy I invariably think of Dr. Girlfriend from The Venture Bros.?)
Well, no matter. Without further ado or chainsaw juggling:
Gretchen Egolf as Jackie and Heather Tom as Marilyn meet the challenge of their famous characters with grace and aplomb. I don't know which impresses me more, the patrician restraint through which Egolf lets us see Jackie's own growing needs and shrewd calculations, or the dewy yearning through which Tom reveals Marilyn's mix of strength and weakness. - Christopher Rawson,
But if such a thing is to be, I don't think you'd find two better women to do it than Gretchen Egolf and Heather Tom. On Michael McGarty's drop-dead set, and wrapped in David C. Woolard's historically iconic costumes, Tom's Marilyn is a heart-breaking blend of damaged child and reckless woman ... plus, as a bonus, she's got Monroe's voice down cold. Egolf plays Jackie with a perfect patrician beauty and a frosty manner which she lets drop to reveal a frighteningly intelligent and almost numbed victim underneath. - Ted Hoover, Pittsburgh City Paper
And no, 'patrician' doesn't mean you're related to someone named Patricia.
All things considered, the cast does well at the Public. Egolf unifies steeliness and anxiety in her performance as Jackie, just as Tom copies Marilyn's gestures and voice without becoming a caricature. - Doug Shanaberger, the Observer-Reporter
Oh, and the play might be over, but the site is still up: If you're the quiz-taking sort, you may enjoy the quiz there. If you're not, well - Hey! - a new headshot is there!
(See also two patrician pics here and here.
March 23, 2007 AD (The Egolf Chronicles, V38.0)
And what's this in my inbox? NBC's dramas in development for the '07/'08 season. Caveat: These things tend to change wildly (cough cough, NBC, cough cough, Leap of Faith, cough cough).
20th Century Fox Television, Alex Graves and Kevin Falls, Executive Producers
Cast: Brian Howe, Charlie Wyson, Gretchen Egolf, Kevin McKidd, Moon Bloodgood and Reed Diamond
A man travels back in time to alter and fix the lives of people in trouble, but by recalibrating the past, he sometimes affects the future.
Hmmm. Quantum Leap with consequences? Well, we'll see if the idea survives long enough to make it to a TV screen.
May 20, 2007 AD (The Egolf Chronicles, V39.0)
Hear that loud whooshing sound? It's the sound of something going right under my radar. Ahem:
The play "is set during the height of the German occupation of Paris. Picasso (Thom Christopher) is secreted to a dusty underground vault where he encounters a beautiful young Gestapo art critic-turned-interrogator (Gretchen Egolf). The sexy inquisitor's job is to get Picasso to authenticate three of his drawings amidst the vault of artwork confiscated by the Nazis. It's Picasso under pressure. Who will win this cat-and-mouse game? Meet the Picasso you never knew.
Sexy? Gestapo? My really, really, evil side wanted to make a joke involving a Nazi uniform and fetishism, but it got overruled by my lazy side (too much work) and my giddy side (who prefers his Nazi humor on the level of the 'gespacho' item in Non Campus Mentis).
Update, May 22: Pictures and quotes and things!
The article also contains a far more concise bio than I could ever manage, in part because I'm a rambling sap:
Her Broadway credits include Ring Round the Moon and Jackie (in which she also appeared in London’s West End). Off-Broadway plays include All This Intimacy, Modern Orthodox, More Lies About Jerzy, Getting Into Heaven, and Crocodiles in the Potomac. Regional theatre credits include work at Pittsburgh Public, Chester Theater, Wilma Theater, The Globe, Coconut Grove, and two seasons with Berkshire Theatre Festival. She can currently be seen in the film The Namesake, with past films including The Talented Mr. Ripley and Quiz Show. Her television work includes "Martial Law" (CBS), "Roswell" (WB), opposite Brad Garrett in "Gleason" (CBS movie), and guest star roles on "Without a Trace," "Law & Order," "Century City," "Nero Wolfe," "Cosby," and "Cracker."
The Namesake? Say what?
Oh, and apparently Journeyman "tested higher with audiences than any NBC drama in five years". Which either speaks well of Journeyman, poorly of NBC drama, both, or is a testament to the wonders of the focus group.
August 26, 2007 AD (The Egolf Chronicles, V39.1)
Packing for a move is never fun. It's less fun when the move keeps getting pushed back so you need to then unpack stuff you packed so you can use it. It's even less fun when it takes time from being a rabid fanboy.
The Google Alerts have been coming fast and furious since Journeyman was stuck on the fall schedule. Random highlights:
A short item on how it's not like The Time Traveller's Wife.
Photos and videos and being stuck on dialup sucks! (Expecting that to end "and bears, oh my!"?)
Journeyman preview on September 8th, apparently. Being stuck in a place with no cable coverage also sucks. (Not bitter.)
An optimistic preview. And all these articles using words like 'attractive' are always nice. (Finally! Vindi-freakin'-cation!)
December 17, 2007 AD (The Egolf Chronicles, V39.2)
My my, I've been a lazy fanboy. This whole move-across-the-country thing has taken a lot of out me. Between work/looking for work and the insanity of life, I haven't had much time at all for television, not even Journeyman.
I did hear the image galleries at referred to as little more than a place for shots of the characters vamping, though I'm having a hard time seeing that as a bad thing.
I also heard something about an apron and hostages second-hand, but sadly neither of those is my particular fetish.
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