Sadly, while the strong and wise are out dealing with the major demons, the minor ones are left for the rabble to handle. Such is our cast. Journey to a land that's somewhat medieval and has knights... the land of the Medieval Knights!
(Fake legalese: While the ideas are mine, the figures and name 'Medieval Knights' aren't - though I did add the exclamation point. I'm not attempting to infringe on anyone's rights, just looking for a creative outlet that I can twist and distort horribly. But let's face it, a toy series that never had a cartoon attached and is now being sold in dollar stores probably isn't high on the list of "Intellectual Property Defended by Hordes of Lawyers".)
Knight With, Sold Separately Horse - a man meets the horse that was made for him. But sold separately. This was hard for me to write, because I often misspell "Separately", and I'm beginning to regret the preposition gag.
Lost: One Barbarian, Horseless - Good thing barbarians haven't invented cartography, as this story would never happen. Graphics intensive, and rife with copyright violations in the name of parody. While I regularly take shots at the Medieval Knights trademark by building a canon around canonless toys, this time I also take swipes at Cybersix, PvP, Penny Arcade, Doom, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament 2004, and a fixture of cable television's action film marathons. Oh, and there's one easter egg.
My Pictures - A scanner and a series of dollar toys meet to form a powerful alliance.
Run along home.
This site and everything on it are Copyright (C) The Archon 1999 -
2005, unless otherwise noted. So there.
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